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- Lai, C.-Y., Hassanzadeh, P., Sheshadri, A., Sonnewald, M., Ferrari, R., & Balaji, V. Machine learning for climate physics and simulations.
Publications by Year
- Gupta, A. ., Sheshadri, A., & Anantharaj, V. (2024). Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes from 1 km Global ECMWF Integrated Forecast System. Nature Scientifc Data, 11(1), 903.
- King, R., Mansfield, L., & Sheshadri, A. (2024). Bayesian History Matching applied to the calibration of a gravity wave parameterization. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
- Green, B., Sheshadri, A., Alexander, M. J., Bramberger, M., & Lott, F. (2024). Gravity wave momentum fluxes estimated from Project Loon balloon data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(5), e2023JD039927.
- Sun, Y. Q., Pahlavan, H., Chattopadhyay, A. ., Hassanzadeh, P. ., Lubis, S., Alexander, M. J., Gerber, E., Sheshadri, A., & Guan, Y. (2024). Data Imbalance, Uncertainty Quantification, and Generalization via Transfer Learning in Data-driven Parameterizations: Lessons from the Emulation of Gravity Wave Momentum Transport in WACCM. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
- Gupta, A., Sheshadri, A., Alexander, M. J., & Birner, T. (2024). Insights on Lateral Gravity Wave Propagation in the Extratropical Stratosphere from 44 Years of ERA5 Data. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Mansfield, L., & Sheshadri, A. (2024). Uncertainty Quantification of a Machine Learning Subgrid-Scale Parameterization for Atmospheric Gravity Waves. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
- Achatz, U., Alexander, M. J., Becker, E., Chun, H.-Y., Dörnbrack, A., Holt, L., Plougonven, R., Polichtchouk, I., Sato, K., Sheshadri, A., Stephan, C., van Niekerk, A., & Wright, C. (2023). Atmospheric Gravity Waves: Processes and Parameterization. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
- Mansfield, L., Gupta, A., Burnett, A., Green, B., Wilka, C., & Sheshadri, A. (2023). Updates on Model Hierarchies for Understanding and Simulating the Climate System: A Focus on Data-Informed Methods and Climate Change Impact. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
- Mansfield, L. A., & Sheshadri, A. . (2022). Calibration and uncertainty quantification of a gravity wave parameterization: A case study of the quasi-biennial oscillation in an intermediate complexity climate model. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems.
- Espinosa, Z. ., Sheshadri, A., Cain, G., Gerber, E., & DallaSanta, K. (2022). Machine learning gravity wave parameterization generalizes to capture the QBO and response to increased CO2. Geophys. Res. Lett.
- Sheshadri, A., Borrus, M., Yoder, M. ., & Robinson, T. (2021). Midlatitude error growth in atmospheric GCMs: the role of eddy growth rate. Geophysical research letters.
- Goss, M., Lindgren, E., Sheshadri, A., & Diffenbaugh, N. (2021). The Atlantic jet response to stratospheric events: a regime perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 126.
- Burnett, A., Sheshadri, A., Silvers, L., & Robinson, T. (2021). Tropical cyclone frequency under varying SSTs in aquaplanet simulations. Geophysical research letters.
- Lindgren, E., Sheshadri, A., & Plumb, R. (2020). Frequency-dependent behavior of zonal jet variability. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Lindgren, E., Sheshadri, A., Podglajen, A., & Carver, R. (2020). Seasonal and latitudinal variability of the gravity wave spectrum in the lower stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125(18).
- Lindgren, E., & Sheshadri, A. (2020). The role of wave-wave interactions in sudden stratospheric warming formation. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 1, 93-109.
- Maher, P., Gerber, E., Madeiros, B., Sherwood, S., Sheshadri, A., Sobel, A., Vallis, G., Voigt, A., & Zurita-Gotor, P. (2019). Model hierarchies for understanding atmospheric circulation. Reviews of Geophysics.
- White, R., Hilgenbrink, C., & Sheshadri, A. (2019). The importance of Greenland in setting the Northern preferred position of the Atlantic eddy-driven jet. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(23), 14126.
- White, R., Battisti, D., & Sheshadri, A. (2018). Orography and the boreal winter stratosphere: the Importance of the Mongolian mountains. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(4), 2088-2096.
- Lindgren, E., Sheshadri, A., & Plumb, R. (2018). Sudden stratospheric warming formation in an idealized GCM using three types of tropospheric forcing. Journal of Geophysical research - Atmospheres., 123(10), 125-10.
- Sheshadri, A., Plumb, R., Lindgren, E., & Domeisen, D. (2018). The vertical structure of annular modes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75(10), 3507-3519.
- Jeevanjee, N., Hassanzadeh, P., Hill, S., & Sheshadri, A. (2017). A perspective on climate model hierarchies. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(4), 1760-1771.
- Sheshadri, A., & Plumb, R. (2017). Propagating Annular Modes: Empirical Orthogonal Functions, Principal Oscillation Patterns, and Time Scales. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 74(5), 1345-1361.
- Ivy, D. J., Hilgenbrink, C., Kinnison, D., Plumb, R., Sheshadri, A., Solomon, S., & Thompson, D. (2016). Observed Changes in the Southern Hemispheric Circulation in May. Journal of Climate, 30(2), 527-536.
- Linz, M., Plumb, R., Gerber, E., & Sheshadri, A. (2016). The Relationship between Age of Air and the Diabatic Circulation of the Stratosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(11), 4507-4518.
- Sheshadri, A., & Plumb, R. (2016). Sensitivity of the surface responses of an idealized AGCM to the timing of imposed ozone depletion-like polar stratospheric cooling. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(5), 2016GL067964.
- Sheshadri, A., Plumb, R., & Gerber, E. (2015). Seasonal Variability of the Polar Stratospheric Vortex in an Idealized AGCM with Varying Tropospheric Wave Forcing. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72(6), 2248-2266.
- Sheshadri, A. (2015). Variability of the polar stratospheric vortex and its impact on surface climate patterns [Thesis]. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Sheshadri, A., Plumb, R., & Domeisen, D. (2014). Can the Delay in Antarctic Polar Vortex Breakup Explain Recent Trends in Surface Westerlies?. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71(2), 566-573.
- Jaiswal, V., Sheshadri, A., & Vandiver, J. K. (2010). Modeling Traveling Waves Using Mode Superposition.
- Vandiver, J. K., Cheng, Y., Jaiswal, V., Sheshadri, A., & Yu, A. (2009). An Experimental Evaluation of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Riser Bundle With Gaps. 695-705.
- Sheshadri, A. (2009). Traveling waves in mode superposition. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.